phone 67226308, cell 29351802

The first line!

About us


Tourism agency “MKC Travel” together with the educational centre “Vertspapiri” organizes tourism trips and outcountry seminars for bookkeepers.


We offer our Latvian bookkeepers to visit Europe’s famous cities, to have a good rest and to take part in our seminars.


In such a way book-keepers have a great opportunity to combine pleasant with useful, to get a new useful knowledge during the seminar and to get acquainted with Europe’s famous places.


In our future plans is to offer different types of relaxation, combining it with bookkeepers and other financial specialist trainings. 


This journey main difference from others tourism agencies offers is that the seminars are organized in every single trip about the most outgoing issues.

Training & Consultancy centre “Vertspapiri”

Developed & hosted by NetForce.LV